Friday, December 18, 2009

Deja Vu

Back in 1982 I was in between my two University degrees, and I filled my time working for Ted Horning at his fine bridge studio in Thornhill, Ontario. I was a jack of all trades, including game director.

I used to enjoy sitting at the front of a large room filled with earnest bridge players as I waxed eloquently over the microphone about the movement of boards or whatever.

The players used to remark I sounded like an airline pilot.

One day I was directing a very large Olympiad game and was in fine vocal form. In between announcements and rulings I would amuse myself with whatever there was at hand. Certainly not a PC back in those days.

I had the unfortunate habit of swinging on my chair back then. I chose this particular night to lean back a touch too far, and went head over heels into the boxes and debris behind the director's desk!

Well, you can imagine the reaction this ruckus caused among the forty odd tables of bridge players in the room.

And you can certainly imagine the colour of my cheeks as I sprang from the floor like a cat, trying to act as if nothing had happened !

I don't think I pulled a muscle that time though !

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