Monday, December 21, 2009

Never give up on a hand

Playing in the daily Deep Stack event at The Venetian (home of the city's best poker room), we were in the early stages with the blinds at $50/$100 when a young player with spiky hair and a completely tatooed right arm (henceforth Spike) picked up 82 offsuit in the small blind.

He had suffered a few knocks early on, and was already short stacked with around $1,800.

A total of six players were in this pot, no raises from anyone.

The flop was 4 5 7 with two clubs.

Spike decided to make a play for the pot. He shoved all his chips into the middle of the table.

Young John, to the right of the button, called - holding 88. The button himself had begun life with 74 offsuit so he was excited about this hand too! The button raised all-in himself.

Young John made a good lay down with his 88 and now it was heads up between the dealer's flopped two pairs and Spike's 82 (basically his only chance was an inside straight draw completed with a 6)

Spike got up and put his coat on and said, "cheesh I don't even want to show this hand."

Everyone laughed as both hands were tabled face up.

The turn was a 3, and the river was a 6.

Spike's 82 (the second worse starting hand in NL Hold 'em Poker, had made a straight on the river. Staying Alive!

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